Saturday 16 August 2008

Society Of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals To Host European Training Event In Brussels

� The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP) is conducting its first gear European Workshop, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium October 12-14, 2008. This groundbreaking ceremony event is being held in circumstance of hundreds of International SPCP members. The SPCP values and appreciates the support and attendance put forth by its European members at annual SPCP events in the U.S. and in concert with requests for a regional SPCP European workshop, the SPCP is delivering a three-day informational banner educational event!

- DAY ONE volition focus on health and safety in the cosmetic tattoo work. David Vidra, LPN, world Health Organization is the SPCP Health and Safety Advisor and OSHA Outreach Trainer, will present his comprehensive Bloodborne Pathogens Course, followed by a Wound Care Workshop. Vidra is known for his lively energy and is superb at qualification this industry-specific training have enriching and powerful.

- DAY TWO will consist of presentations by Elizabeth Finch-Howell, CPCP, and Kate Ciampi, CPCP. Ms. Finch volition provide greatly needed factual information about color possibility; specifically how permanent cosmetic color theory differs from traditional color theory. She will too supply info about general pigment formulation, dispel common misinformation, and provide fact-based accuracy to enhance the attendees' comprehension of color and pigments. Ms. Ciampi is well known throughout the lasting makeup industry for her exquisite lip tattooing procedures. Critically acclaimed for her full lip color and her independent classes, she delivers the complete parcel of this very challenging procedure process.

- DAY THREE will begin with Ms. Debra Guastella, CPCP, presenting Areola Re-pigmentation. Ms. Guastella is a speaker in great exact on the subject of this advanced procedure and conveys critical information on both the artistic and medically legal placement aspects of a reconstructed boob areola. Guastella will fill up by sharing her impressive knowledge of color choice to complete a attractively re-pigmented areola. Lesley DeDecker, CPCP will present 'Strategies of Success' with conceptual tips on how to build and operate a successful business. This giving event will close with the Panel of Experts gathered and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of these industry icons about whatever challenging issues they whitethorn have experienced or forestall.

Registration for this crucial event closes September 12, 2008 and is on a number 1 come, number one served base. Register now on the SPCP internet site at hypertext transfer protocol:// or by calling the SPCP administration power at 847-635-1330. SPCP membership is compulsory and anyone who wishes to attend may bring together the SPCP by applying through the website at

This event first Baron Marks of Broughton the number one of its kind and it is with large excitement and anticipation that we look forward to seeing our International and American members at SPCP Europe 2008!

About the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP)

"Creating the Future for the Permanent Cosmetic Industry". The SPCP was founded in 1990 and remains the largest nonprofit single membership supported organization global. Dedicated to promoting safety, excellence and high professional standards, the SPCP provides innovative learning experiences and education enhancing materials including a professionally developed documentation exam, guinea pig matter experts to allow guidance to its members, associated professionals, regulators, media and the general public. The SPCP, through its global rank, sets the highest industriousness guidelines and standards by applying legal principles of its Code of Ethics.

Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals

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